
Showing posts from July, 2018

State of the Nation Address (2018)

President Rodrigo Duterte was set to deliver his State of the Nation Address on July 23, 2018 at the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines. The President's speech didn't present the previous year's achievements instead he focuses on the present and future plans. President Duterte was so aggressive in his war on illegal drugs and corruption that he opened his speech about him being inspired to do the real changes for the greater good of the Filipino people. According to him, the lives of the youth are being wasted and families are destroyed, and all because of illegal drugs.  But the best part of his speech that I want to talk about is the human rights advocate.   He mentioned that the people's concern is human rights while his is human lives.  Human rights for him means giving Filipinos, especially those at the society fringes, a decent and dignified future through the social and physical infrastructures necessary for their lives to be better. He

Planting Leads to a Healthier Life

Proper nutrition plays an important role in securing that we are free from any diseases and it also implies that you need to observe eating nutritious foods especially fruits and vegetables to avoid malnutrition. The 2018 Nutrition Month theme focuses on food production at home through planting. Having food gardens can help in improving the family's food security as well as the whole community. If every family has plenty of vegetables and fruit crops, no one will have a problem regarding on everyday's dish. Some can also sell their harvest to earn additional income. There are lots of benefits in producing your own garden. Fruits and vegetables from your own are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several several thousand miles to get to the grocery store. Gardening also increases physical activity. It is a great way to engage yourself in frolic exercises. Crops in your own garden will promote a healthy you because those crops where rich in nutrients whic

Letter to Mr. President

Arlene Querubin Pantay Tamurong, Caoayan, Ilocos Sur July 10, 2018 PRESIDENT RODRIGO DUTERTE Malaca ñ ang Palace Compound J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel Manila Philippines President Duterte,      I just want to tell you that I am grateful that you are trying your best to be a great leader for our country. I am a high school student and will be turning Grade 11 by next year and I am very thankful to have the privilege to write a letter to you. You promise to stop the drug menace in our country that seems to be impossible in the perspective of men. However, according to the bible, "For with God nothing is impossible". If you seek the Lord's guidance and divine assistance, you can successfully stop this problem on drug abuse.      Being a concerned citizen of our country, I want that we Filipinos should live comfortably in our own nation. I hope that you will provide services that will help the development of our country's economy. I believe t

Filipino's Freedom

It's been a century and two decades since Emilio Aguinaldo proclaimed the Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898 after being colonized by the Spaniards for more than three centuries. The Philippine Independence Day is relevant because it is a time where we wholeheartedly reflect and celebrate the true meaning of freedom. It is also the day where we remember and honor what our forefathers and heroes fought hard for liberating the nation. In recent years, there has been this growing question on why Filipino's celebrate Independence Day. The question is, "What are we free from exactly?". Even though the Philippines is not "dept-free", "poverty-free", "crime-free", and "corruption-free", Filipino's take pride and pleasure in being liberated from fear. In fact, being fearless is one of the many distinct traits of Filipinos. And from our forefathers and heroes, being fearless is perhaps our strongest virtue. And so I