Planting Leads to a Healthier Life

Proper nutrition plays an important role in securing that we are free from any diseases and it also implies that you need to observe eating nutritious foods especially fruits and vegetables to avoid malnutrition. The 2018 Nutrition Month theme focuses on food production at home through planting. Having food gardens can help in improving the family's food security as well as the whole community. If every family has plenty of vegetables and fruit crops, no one will have a problem regarding on everyday's dish. Some can also sell their harvest to earn additional income.

There are lots of benefits in producing your own garden. Fruits and vegetables from your own are higher in nutrients than the ones that have traveled several several thousand miles to get to the grocery store. Gardening also increases physical activity. It is a great way to engage yourself in frolic exercises. Crops in your own garden will promote a healthy you because those crops where rich in nutrients which the body needs.

So what are you waiting for? Move now, encourage others to practice planting fruit and vegetable crops in their own homes. 


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