Letter to Mr. President

Arlene QuerubinPantay Tamurong, Caoayan,Ilocos Sur

July 10, 2018

Malacañang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

President Duterte,

     I just want to tell you that I am grateful that you are trying your best to be a great leader for our country. I am a high school student and will be turning Grade 11 by next year and I am very thankful to have the privilege to write a letter to you. You promise to stop the drug menace in our country that seems to be impossible in the perspective of men. However, according to the bible, "For with God nothing is impossible". If you seek the Lord's guidance and divine assistance, you can successfully stop this problem on drug abuse.

     Being a concerned citizen of our country, I want that we Filipinos should live comfortably in our own nation. I hope that you will provide services that will help the development of our country's economy. I believe that we should stop corruption in our country. May you continue to uplift your good government service to lessen the percentage of poverty in our country. I hope that you will fulfill all your promises for our country's development.

     Sir, may you continue to be a good role model to all Filipino citizens and good luck sir to your continuous journey as our country's President. The Filipino's wanted change. We Filipino's seek actions instead of verbal utterances which easily vanished in thin air. 

Respectfully yours,
Arlene Querubin 


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