Change Starts With Me

It's true that "You can't change what's going on around you, until you start changing what's going on within you." Because change starts within oneself. I believe that if you want something to change for the better, you should start it within yourself.

If you want to change reality start with yourself first and attend to your own personal development. In doing so, problems give way to solutions and no longer affect you. Most people are frustrated or angry with circumstances beyond their control. They believe if they can control these situations they will be happy. Sometimes it is not possible since there are too many things to control. It requires redesigning your life to suit you, or playing God, neither of which are possible. It is simpler to attend to your own personal development. So when you feel frustrated, angry or any other disempowering state, become curious and work on that part of you that is at war with reality.

"Change starts with me" means that change is possible if you, yourself start it.


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