My Dream, My Future

"A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." -Colin Powell

I believe that a dream will stay as dream when you don't do anything to make it come true. When you dream, you need to exert your whole effort and determination in order to achieve it. Because when you just dream and dream and dream without taking an action, you'll never succeed. And if you dream, make sure that you really want to pursue that dream because sometimes we easily change our thinking that make things complicated.

Just like me, I've always wanted to be a successful Engineer. But it stays just like that. No progress. Because as I grow up I realized many things that makes me totally change my mind. My interests, passion, and everything in me have changed. And my dream changed. I could hardly decide what I want to be in the future because there are so many choices painted in my mind. But at this time, I am at the crossroads where I have to make decisions, specifically at my choice of strand in the senior high school. With all the sacrifices that my mother is exerting just to send me in school, I don't have any reason not to give my bests at all time. 

And now I am fully determined to pursue the dream that I want. And that is to become a successful Certified Public Accountant someday. What pushes me to this dream is my passion in helping individuals, businesses, and other organizations plan and reach their financial goal. This is what I'm dreaming. And I can achieve it because I have God beside me.


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